Gay Massage

Men's Bodywork by Trevor James

An intimate experience tailored specifically for men!

Men's Bodywork by Trevor James

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Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA, 90038

Looking for a judgment-free male-to-male massage? Men's Bodywork by Trevor James provides just that - an intimate experience tailored specifically for men.
His male-to-male massage service is perfect for any man, regardless of sexual orientation. His unique massage style is designed to facilitate your relaxation, stress reduction, improve circulation, oxytocin production, and tension release. You'll feel the sensation of touch through a massage, and feel relaxation like you've never experienced before. You will improve your well-being through touch, connection, intimacy, and relaxation. If you're looking for an experience that will leave you feeling both re-energized and relaxed, Trevor James is the perfect masseur for you!
By appointment only, contact direct for further details.

Weekday: 10am-11pm

Weekend: 10am-11pm

relaxation techniques
tailored for men
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