Steam Works (Apollo Splash Club) - CLOSED

    Steam Works (Apollo Splash Club) - CLOSED

    Steam Works (Apollo Splash Club) - CLOSED

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    Kurfürstenstraße 101, Berlin, Germany, 10787

    Steam Works (Apollo Splash Club) - CLOSED
    On 5th February 2017, a fire broke out at Steam Works, and three men had died at the scene. The sauna has remained CLOSED.

    This large gay sauna has two floors (2,000 m²). Renovated in November 2016, Steam Works (formerly called 'Apollo Splash Club') is open 24 hours, 7 days a week.

    Features dry sauna, steam room, whirlpool, cabins with TV/DVD, cruising area, dark room, maze, video room, solarium, bar and internet access. Massage service available. U: Wittenbergplatz
    Rate Steam Works (Apollo Splash Club) - CLOSED
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    Based on 64 votes


    Thu, Apr 11, 2019

    From Italy to Boiler

    Location: Outside the city center, but convenient to reach by bus and subway (Mehringdamm stop). Type of customer: Unfortunately, from Monday to Friday the elderly prevail, even if, almost always, among the old men, you can find some nice guys. To make sure you find a wide selection of attractive men, you must enter Saturday and Sunday, especially from 4pm to 6pm and after dinner, from 9pm until late at night. We always had fun, to the point of going to Berlin just for the Boiler. Structure: One of the most beautiful and elegant saunas in Europe. Spacious and well-kept rooms. Excellent especially the Turkish bath, where everything happens. Cleanliness: Good. Prices: Quite high, moreover, admission is only valid for 6 hours, after which you pay an hourly rate. Advice for customers: Bring your slippers, otherwise you will pay at the entrance. As in the whole of Germany, the effeminate are not appreciated, while the Muscle Bears are very appreciated. Tips for managers: It would be nice not to charge for slippers. Entry should be valid for 12 hours.

    Sun, Feb 26, 2017


    I am surprized the staff did not let the fire brigade in when the fire started. They had to brake through the iron door according to German media. It seems that the staff just disappeared when the fire started..... Having a fire where people are smoking in their cabins is not so strange, but the actual cause is not yet clear as i get it. What would the outcome of this has been if this happened when the Sauna was packed with people? The manager of this place should be held responsible. The place is to be avoided at all times.

    Mon, Jan 02, 2017

    I didn't believe it could get worse.

    I was wrong. Me and 2 friends went there 30/12/2016. Absolute joke. One good thing. Staff not drinking now. Refer owned steam room down stairs. Not so hot now. Upstairs foam room still stinks. Pool closed again with just little sign that anyone could miss. Still problem with groups taking over dry sauna. One of my friends got accused of spreading water around in the dry sauna. When he said it wasn't him he got asked to leave and banned from going there again. Will try Boiler if it's still open. Can someone tell me. Don't think I will be going there again soon. Staff a bit better. Apart from manager.

    Wed, Dec 28, 2016

    Apollo Splash.

    I have been there about 10 times in the last 3 years each time declining numbers of customers. Possibly due to refurbishment and increasingly rude or aggresive staff attitude. I totaly agree with other posts about upstairs sauna stinks of stale water like a old public toilet. Downstairs sauna sometimes gets so hot that it burns your feet. No signs that they are doing work so you take pot luck that things are working properly or even open. Should really have some free lube or condoms. They really promoting unsafe sex there. Perhaps if staff didnt have to work so many hours theye might be a bit more friendlier. Last time I went there I felt like an unwanted person. Staff standing at the bar drinking and only handing out free drinks to regular friend that come in. Seems like its there own private clubhouse bar. I think they should have some rooms that are free because if I have some fun with people I would like some privacy. Is that too much to ask for? Free rooms should be basic. No videos or sheets so it wouldnt cost or loose them anything. Will go there again New years eve to see if things have changed since they have changed from Apollo Splash to Steamworks.

    Sat, Oct 01, 2016

    Filthy retirement brothel

    I can only agree with the 1* description in 2016. With such a choice, you do not need to go to this one.

    Wed, Jul 20, 2016


    I wish I had read those reviews beforehand. The place is for hustlers only and regulars who don't give a damn about newcomers. It's a shame because the facilities are quite ok, apart from the closed pool.

    Sat, Jun 25, 2016


    I wish I'd read these reviews before venturing out to this place. This place is rancid, and seems to be used by rent boys. I got caught out twice with guys who asked for 100 euros as we were getting started. Those situations ended abruptly. Then I had the sex pest who followed me around like a scary puppy and wouldn't take no for an answer. To top things off everyone seemed to be smoking something or other, so the place stank. One of the saunas smelt like a sewer and there were no condoms or lube in site - what century is this! Avoid this place - it was a wast of time and money.

    Sat, Jun 18, 2016

    A lot of hustlers, again

    It seems to go with intervals. I remember that years ago there were a lot of hustlers. Then after there was a time they were not there anymore. During my last visit yesterday the hustlers were back like never before and they often looked for contact, mentioning their price without being asked for it. Compared with a year ago I clearly saw a decline in the number of visitors. Time to clean up this sauna and make it more attractive for the general public looking for non-paid fun.
    Alex Pelchat

    Fri, Jun 03, 2016

    Not the best place anymore.

    Not the best place anymore. I was just recently in Berlin through all my visits during the last couple of years and I was very disappointed during this last visit. The Apollo has become an escort establishment, I was approached by so many escorts asking for 50 or 70 euros for play, during the whole week that I stayed in Berlin I visited this place 3 times and I experienced the same situation, very disappointing. If you like to hirer escorts or like to pay to play then I would recommend this place, if not, then don't go there so you can avoid a bad experience.
    Alex Pelchat

    Wed, Dec 07, 2016

    Apollo has become Steamworks

    I was recently in Berlin and during my stay The Apollo became Steamworks. The escorts or hustlers are gone, the place has been remodeled, both times that I went there it was packed and crowded and a lot of action was happening. I would strongly recommend this place which is now Steamworks! on your next visit to Berlin stop by and give it a try.

    Fri, Apr 08, 2016


    Good location and easy to find and did not find any problem with staff. The place is spacious and dry and wet areas were clean. Only problem lack of customers in such as huge place on a Saturday afternoon. I went downstairs to the jungle and wet cabin and although area was slightly busier it was mainly Middle East escort guys smoking in cabins and popping out occasionally to offer paid fun which I declined several times. I was disappointed there was no jacuzzi as this was walled off and frankly the place is boring despite it having potential. Not my scene and won't be back.

    Sat, Apr 02, 2016


    In my opinion you always have as fun as u make it. After visiting Apollo I will never say that again. The staff in the entry was extremely rude. When I was asking him stuff in english about the foam-event and the pool I saw on their homepage he replied in german. Since I speak some german I switched. Then he trippled the speed and refused the speak a bit slower so that I would catch up. There was no foam party, the pool had been closed for 5 months due to renovation. No info about that on the homepage but a small sign once you payed the full entry. 19 Euro. That's kind of rude. In the dressing room there was a broken bottle on the floor and the staff was not so interested in taking care of it so I had to do it myself. Shower. As long as you press the button you get water. It is "one heat fits all"- no chance to make it warmer or colder. Downstairs the same, without heat in the shower. The saunas are ok but a really strange smell in one of the rooms. The "foam" room. Nice bar on first floor. The payingarea on the first floor was...not so nice. Dirty towels, 2/3 videos were broken. Downstairs is more rough. I dont mind it but people were smoking in their cabins everywhere so it was sometimes hard to breath. Cold water in the showers and no pool. The place is a little bit bigger than Boiler but when I was there on a monday we were probably, at the most, 20 guest. Two younger guys, I(44) and the rest over 50 yo. Friends who went to Boiler told me it was crowded on that monday. I was there the day before and then it was full. They let people in when someone left. Finally: My advice to the guests. Choose another sauna in Berlin. To the staff: Be more friendly, give the correct information and if things are broken-fix it. And at least take some time to answer messages sent to you.

    Wed, Mar 30, 2016


    Agree with several of the other reviewers. Smell of smoke everywhere - how about a large non smoking area???. Grubby. No condoms or lube. All videos show bareback - are they trying to encourage BB by having no condoms? Where is the advertised whirlpool?? Full of rent boys too who whisper in your ear that they want payment. Shame that they don't have cabins - if you don't book a room you have to play in a corridor.

    Thu, Jan 21, 2016


    I was there this week Tuesday early evening. Before going ther I read some reviews, but despite to the signs smoking areas, one could smell smoke in all areas. Cleaning in the "jungle" should improve.

    Wed, Jan 06, 2016

    Let the games begin

    Easy location to find, the place was huge. Lots of different themed rooms for other types of activity. I found the staff friendly and helpful and busy cleaning. I went to their competitors bathhouse yesterday, and though the decore was newer more updated, I found the clientele kinda clicky and disconnected, They had there agenda. So Apollo Splash Club would be my first choice for most fun and a nice cross mix of visitors!

    Tue, Oct 27, 2015

    Stay away

    Rude door staff. Unappealing customers. One of the steam rooms actually stank, so no surprise no one was in it. One of the saunas was actually taken over by a group of guys who refused entry to others - not sure what that was all about. I don't mind a bit of a stomach on a guy, but my, this lot could do with some gym time. Had just come from Prague, where I had a brilliant time at Labyrint and Babylon. I'd heard this was better than Der Boiler, but no thanks. Maybe it's just the German attitudes, but people were either sitting around doing nothing or flitting here and there. Avoid.

    Sat, Oct 17, 2015

    Attitude problem

    Large sauna. No complaints except the staff at the front counter has a great passive aggressive attitude problem. Does the owners really want their clientele chased away? When asked about simple things like pass outs and towels there was total disinterest and lack of helpfulness bordering on sneering at why we would even dare to speak to them...maybe not all but one bad staff reflects on the whole place. I do not recommend this place at all. We paid to be there and not to be treated with disdain.

    Thu, Jul 30, 2015

    Nice place for fun

    For have fun and Sauna you can't find a better place on Friday or Saturday night! I like the private cabins and the playrooms around. Upstairs you can more relax. Negative is - you can't find lub there and downstairs the steamroom is very old.

    Sat, Jun 27, 2015

    Getting worse

    Hi. Never though I had to post a review about it. I ve been going there for about 20 years. Was always happy. But enough is enough. What are those people (not all but at least 2)? So unfriendly. Why? Really bad experience. If they are stressed out give them some rest or fire them. Nothing to do at your front desk. No good.

    Sun, May 10, 2015

    Dirty and noisy

    Dirty and noisy environment with unfriendly staff. It is like being in a nightclub of bad quality with techno music all the time and making it impossible to relax. The place is extremely commercial. You get only one towel when you enter. The cabins have to be paid to be used. Shower facilities are very poor and even the lube cream is not free. The masseurs and the staff are not kind and knows nothing about smile and customer service. You can not relax in the bar due to bad quality loud music. There are hustlers asking for money and smoking everywhere People are extremely ugly and unfriendly. A place for real losers so if you are not one stay away from this horrible place.

    Sun, Jan 25, 2015

    Super sauna

    We was there for three days and tested the other two saunas in Berlin. But we think this one is the best and cleanest. The only thing we can complain about was that the crowed was older.

    Sun, Nov 23, 2014

    Super sexy bath house

    Second long weekend in a month spent at this beautiful decored spa and sauna 10 boys from Copenhagen just love this place. The venue is unique in its offering of: Private Rooms! - Berlin have several other nice saunas but Apollo Splash is unique in the sense of offering private cabins. Your cabins can be locked with your own key which allow you to keep all your private play tools, sex medicament, and other party favors. When your door is locked no one can look over the wall into your privacy and should you happen to be loud sexual player, your sounds will stay with you and your partners. When you check in you will find your cabin clean with white bed sheets and deeming lights as well the choice of 1000 adult movies. Through out the sauna area your are presented to catchy dance music. Me and my group of 10 friends visiting from Copenhagen highly recommend Apollo as the sexiest sauna in Berlin!

    Fri, Jun 27, 2014


    Unfriendly, unsexy, sad, old, expensive. Absolutely avoid it.

    Tue, Dec 10, 2013

    Totally dry

    The price of 19€ is very high when compared to other saunas in big cities (e.g. Munich 17 €), so you expect to get a lot of fun for your money. But the guys inside were not attractive and the few smart guys inside were very strange. It appears that nobody wanted to use a condom. Guys where are we living??? Have you never heard about HIV? You also get no free lube in the sauna (you pay 19€ for what???). So most of the guys use their spittle which is very disgusting. The first floor is very modern but the basement is very dirty. It is good that in the toilet everything like the door, the soap distributor and the hand dryer is working automatically. I would not recommend it....

    Fri, Feb 10, 2017

    Du frustrierte Tunte

    Wenn Du keinen genug schön findest, ist dies nicht der Fehler des Preises oder der Sauna! Musst Du verdammt schön sein

    Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.