Gran Canaria Gay Massage & Tantra

    Gran Canaria Gay Massage & Tantra

    Gran Canaria Gay Massage & Tantra

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    Av Alferes Provisionales 4, Gran Canaria, Spain

    Gran Canaria Gay Massage & Tantra

    Dedicated to the personal and spiritual healing of gay/bi men through massage. Gran Canaria Gay Massage aims to re-awaken your inner power through transformative, authentic Tantric massage.

    Other services include reflexology, Deep Tissue, Sports and Swedish massages. The staff have extensive knowledge and experience with other holistic and alternative therapies - kinesiology, Reiki, acupuncture, physiotherapy, aromatherapy and many others.

    Mon:09:00 - 21:00

    Tue:09:00 - 21:00

    Wed:09:00 - 21:00

    Thu:09:00 - 21:00

    Fri:09:00 - 21:00

    Sat:09:00 - 21:00

    Sun:09:00 - 21:00

    Rate Gran Canaria Gay Massage & Tantra
    Audience Rating

    Based on 85 votes

    2017 Audience Awards
    2017 Audience Awards

    5 Star Winner

    2018 Audience Awards
    2018 Audience Awards

    5 Star Winner

    2019 Audience Awards
    2019 Audience Awards

    5 Star Winner

    2020 Audience Awards
    2020 Audience Awards

    5 Star Winner


    Sun, Jul 12, 2020

    Magic hands

    I have had massages often, but Greg´s session rates as one of the best. He is attentive and very knowledgeable. I felt very at ease and time flew by. I will surely visit Greg next time I'm back.
    Knut Brinch

    Tue, Dec 24, 2019

    Sensitive matters

    I tried the Californian one, Greg's hands WILL take you there. Simply an exquisite experience, highly recommended

    Sat, Dec 21, 2019

    deeply satisfying

    My experience of massages in the past have left me underwhelmed. Greg’s tantric massage however was something else. It was an experience I found rewarding, interesting and uplifting. Many thanks Greg, I can heartily recommend you other gay men.

    Sat, Dec 21, 2019

    A Wonderful Return Visit

    This is my second tantric massage with Greg. I feel that it is a wonderful experience and at times very emotional. I can thoroughly recommend him to anyone wanting to experience a deep, thorough session.

    Sun, Oct 20, 2019

    go and enjoy

    Greg is not just a very nice and attractive guy, he's what is much more important a good tantra masseur and does know what Tantra is. Thanks, we will see us again.

    Sat, Oct 19, 2019

    Amazing Greg

    A trip to GC must include seeing Greg! Hopefully at least a couple of times. We like to begin and end our holiday with a 90 minute massage. He makes you feel really comfortable, has an outstanding knowledge and connection with your body and really takes good care of you. If you like a good massage to unwind, or want to give some aching joints a lease of life, then Greg is your man. I have been to his place, which is great, and he is also happy to come to your accommodation as well.

    Wed, Sep 25, 2019

    Best ever Massage

    I have regular massages back in London with Urban Massage which are great, but every time I'm out in Gran Canaria, I seek Greg out as he is a cut above. He is very experienced, professional, and is great for giving advice on looking after your body. Highly recommended!

    Sun, Sep 22, 2019

    Best Massage on the Island

    Every time I'm here, I call Greg for a massage. For me, it's a must-have and I always enjoy it.

    Sat, Jul 20, 2019

    Best massage in Gran Canaria....or anywhere else!

    I have been going to Greg for massage for many years on my trips to Gran Canaria. Without hesitation, i can say that Greg's massage is the best in Gran Canaria. His massage technique and physical strength are both amazing and leave you feeling alive and revitalized. This year i also took the opportunity to try a tantra massage. This was my first time trying tantra and will certainly not be my last. A truly amazing experience. My advice is to embrace the experience, let yourself go and place your trust in Greg. He knows what he is doing!

    Wed, Jan 23, 2019

    My first tantra massage

    This was my first Tantra experiment. Greg took a lot of time for the massage and explained every step before he started. Every minute the confidence became more and I felt the safeness, he gave to me. Greg's Massage gave me the maximum of relaxation and ecstasy. It was really a great experience!

    Mon, Jan 14, 2019

    Tantric massage

    Greg was a great guide into the breathing technique and the following tantra massage. It was a new experience to me and especially the breathing techniques gives you a look into yourself and have the possibility to change your outlook. The tantra massage itself accompanies this exploring into yourself and combines all your senses. When it’s done right it is a way of self improvement and growth, and Greg helps you along with the outmost respect and kindness.

    Wed, Jan 02, 2019

    This is really Tantra

    If you are looking for an escort or a happy end massage here is the wrong place. I have already experienced some Tantra massages, but these 3 hours of Tantra have been outstanding. Greg is a very good, friendly and professional tantra masseur who understands his craft. The ambience is very nicely decorated and very clean and you can shower before and after. Definitely the perfect tantra experience for connoisseurs and beginners. Thanks Greg I learned a lot about my body and my sexual stimulation in this short time, that brings me far beyond conventional sex. Deutsch: Wer ein Escort oder eine Happy end Massage sucht ist hier am falschen Ort. Ich habe schon einige Tantra Massagen erlebt, aber diese 3 Stunden Tantra sind hervorragend gewesen. Greg ist ein sehr guter, freundlicher und professioneller Tantra Masseur, dass sein Handwerk versteht. Das Ambiente ist sehr schön eingerichtet und sehr sauber und man kann vorher und nacher Duschen. Definitiv das perfekte Tantra erlebnis für Kenner und Beginner. Danke Greg ich habe in dieser kurzen Zeit viel über meinen Körper und meiner sexuellen Stimulation gelernt, dass mich weit über den konventionellen Sex bringt.

    Sat, Dec 29, 2018

    totally awesome experience

    During December I had my first tantric massage with Greg. He met me at the door and led me into his apartment all set up with soft music playing and candles burning. All waiting for me. The whole experience lasted two hours, two hours I now treasure in memory. He led me through a series of feelings and emotions and left me feeling confident, relaxed and fulfilled. When next I’m in Gran Canaria I’ll be booking another tantric massage with him. I’m recommending him to anyone else considering visiting him.

    Mon, Nov 26, 2018

    Best tantra massage!

    I have now had two tantra massages with Greg and both have been amazing! He really understands how to guide you through the massage and pays close attention to your body to maximize your relaxation and enjoyment. This is true tantra.

    Tue, Jun 19, 2018

    The best massage I've got in maspalomas

    I am used to getting massage really often, but Greg was really professional, organised and clean too! It was an outcall massage with a good price! Definitely will call him for another massage and recommend him too.

    Sun, May 13, 2018


    I became aware of Greg on my last visit in April and because he speaks very good German which was not so compared to my first experience with Tantra. I am a man who can not give up control and can not relax and let go. When Greg greeted me, I was still very excited and tense, but Greg had relaxed through his massage techniques and taken me to another world. Greg's abilities are supernatural and empathetic. I'll be back soon - thanks for this indescribable experience.

    Sat, Apr 21, 2018

    Mr Ole Olsen

    Excellent massage!

    Sat, Apr 07, 2018

    Guy from Norway

    Greg is a very cindly and proffesionsl. I learnd much about how to relax and not stressing about sex.
    Lars Helge

    Fri, Apr 06, 2018

    Tantra Massage with Greg broke up my muscular tensions

    Never having experienced a Tantra massage earlier in my long life, I chose to ask Gran Canaria Gay Massage because its web pages inspired confidence, my muscles were too tense and I was living nearby at the time. The first two-hour session with friendly and thoughtful Greg broke up the tight muscular tensions I had in my upper body. Surprised and pleased with the experience I decided to return after three weeks and asked for some special attention to my legs, where I still felt tension, and it worked. The two treatments made me feel freer, increased my self-confidence, and made me walk unburdened with a more straight back. Not to speak about the pleasure of the massage itself. If you can save some money to afford what a professional Tantra massage costs, I would not hesitate to recommend Gran Canaria Gay Massage and I feel sure I will come back there next winter.

    Wed, Feb 28, 2018

    Eine interessante Begegnung (Massage)

    Pünktlich um die abgemachte Zeit ist der Greg am Tor. Vor Dir steht ein gewinnender, sympathischer Kerl mit starker Ausstrahlung. Nach einigen Stufen bist Du in seiner Loft. Bei einem Glas Wasser besprichst Du die gebuchte Massage. Willst Du es hören sagt Dir Greg auch wo Deine Problembereiche sind. Zeigst Du Interesse zeigt er Dir auch effiziente Übungen die helfen. Ich genoss eine Tantra- und eine Sportmassage. Wer Tantra mag erlebt alles was diese Massage verspricht oder was sich der Kunde erträumt. Mich hat die Sortmassage sehr beeindruckt. Am nächsten Tag fühlte ich mich sehr fit. Mit Leichtigkeit lief ich dem Strand entlang und genoss das intensive Körpergefühl ausgelöst durch die Massage. Ich wünsche dem Greg Gäste die seinem Können und seiner Wesensart Respekt und Wertschätzung entgegenbringen. 25.02.18

    Sun, Feb 04, 2018

    Einfach Perfekt

    Beste Massagen die ich in Gran Canaria hatte. Die 2 Massagen waren sehr entspannend und wohltuend. Greg ist genau auf meine Bedürfnisse eingegangen und erkannte die Problemzonen. Die Umgebung im Birdcage Ressort war perfekt. Wir können Greg nur weiterempfehlen und freuen uns aufs nächste mal.

    Thu, Jan 18, 2018

    Tantra Massage mit Greg

    Elektrisierung, Extase, Entspannung und absolute innere Ruhe. Diese Worte beschreiben mein Erlebnis mit Greg. Vielen Dank für diese besondere Erfahrung. Ein absolutes Muss für sinnliche Menschen.

    Tue, Jan 09, 2018

    Massage mit Greg

    Wir setzen uns, nur mit einem Sarong bekleidet, auf einen Futon am Boden. In einem kurzen Gespräch tauschen wir Erfahrungen, Ziele und Wünsche aus. Einander gegenüber stehend, leitet mich Greg zum richtigen Atmen an. Er berührt und streichelt meinen Körper von Kopf bis Fuss. Dabei steigt eine angehnehme Wärme in mir auf. Ich erfahre eine angenehme Ruhe und empfinde die Berührungen und das Streicheln wohltuend und entspannend. Dann umarmen wir uns, halten den Atem an und spannen die Muskeln so stark wie möglich an. Das Ausatmen und das Streicheln meines Körpers lässt wohlige Wärme und zugleich ein angenehmes Kribbeln durch mich strömem. Nun liege ich auf dem Bauch, Greg massiert meinen Rücken, Beine, Füsse, Arme, Hände und den Kopf. Ich fühle, wie er meine Energiepunkte berührt, drückt, massiert und damit den Energiefluss in meinen Körper ins Gleichgewicht bringt. Dabei atmen wir beide tief, halten nach dem Einatmen mehrmals den Atem an und spannen alle Muskeln stark an. Das Ausatmen und die kräftigen Streichelbewegungen versetzen mich in einen Rausch der Sinne: Wärme, Kribbeln, Erregung, Ruhe und Zufriedenheit durchströmen Körper, Seele und Geist. Greg, ich danke dir für diese wundervolle Erfahrung, ich werde wieder zu einer Tantra Massage kommen!

    Wed, Dec 13, 2017

    Beautiful Feeling !

    My friend and myself booked a three hours Tantra massage with Greg, the masseur, who greeted us friendly. We agreed I would be the receiver and my friend the assistant to the masseur, intervening only on request of Greg. The first impression of the room in which the massage would take place was mixed, as it was very small and rather stuffy. Candles were partly put on the floor rounding the mattress, and partly on the furniture, what made my friend feeling quite uncomfortable because of a potential danger of fire, as the room was furnished with a lot of textiles. Having said that I spent a very relaxed and joyful time. As a receiver, I went through a travel of wonderful feelings of happiness, joy as well as some sad moments too, but all felt positive. Knowing my friend was beside me, that gave me great security and confidence. The massage made me feel very well and even more than words can say. Finally I felt released but quite dizzy. It was a beautiful feeling never known before. My friend told me afterward that I must have had some ecstatic moments, and that he felt very happy having seen me so expressive during this massage. Unfortunately, my friend was partly frustrated as his role was limited to assist, and only on the request of the masseur. According to my friend, Greg acted professionally but the exchange between the giver and the receiver was missing, according to my friend. The massage was professionally done but appeared to my friend unfortunately very mechanical, as Greg didn’t show any emotions or feelings, what I couldn’t see as my eyes were mostly closed during the session. My friend felt as a machine as his own massage movements were purely given to me on request of the masseur. A fusion of senses, bodies and souls were finally missed, so my friend. After having discussed the positive and negative sides of this massage with my friend, we decided that he will also have a Tantra massage as a receiver, but alone with the masseur. May be that this Tantra massage might bring more emotional exchange between the giver and the receiver. Later on, both my friend and myself are looking forward to deepen and strengthen our Tantra massage with Greg, learning from and with him, with the objective of becoming all three one, in a common union and harmony, as my friend and myself are wishing. Thank you Greg for having opened new dimensions in our lives.

    Thu, Nov 23, 2017


    Ich hatte 3 Massagen. Es war die beste Massage, die man haben kann. Bereits vor der ersten Massage konnte mir Greg sagen, woher meine Nackenschmerzen kommen und mir Tipps geben. Nach der dritten Massage war es bereits viel Besser. Bereits nach der ersten Massage fühlte ich mich besser. Ich kann seine Massagen sehr empfehlen.

    Tue, Nov 21, 2017

    a great experience

    Greg has the most amazing body ,soul and energy. A truly unique experience. Thank you. I will be back.

    Sun, Nov 19, 2017

    Wonderful Massage

    Thank you Greg for the excellent tantra massage. I greatly enjoyed the two hours massage and I really recommend your services.

    Tue, Nov 14, 2017

    Wonderful massage

    I had a tantra massage with Greg. Very considerate and professional. It was a surprising and wonderful experience. Thank you Greg, and look forward to returning on my next visit.

    Sat, Sep 30, 2017

    Extreme pleasure!

    The best experience in my life. This was overwhelming. Martin was a fantastic guide through this extraordinary Tantric experience. Like a journey. Grateful!

    Mon, Sep 18, 2017

    My piece of heaven.

    Having never had a tantra massage before I was a little apprehensive but the website made everything very clear and answered all my questions. I visited Martin and he made feel so calm and at ease and took time to talk beforehand. He is the most incredibly spiritual and gentle man and I left having had an experience I've never known in my life. I will definitely go and see him again when I'm next on the island.

    Thu, Sep 07, 2017

    Mon premier tantra massage a été une merveille

    "Mon premier tantra massage a été une merveille de transmission d'énergies positives, de spiritualité et de "lâcher prise". j'ai ressenti une d'harmonie permanente entre le corps et l'esprit, aussi bien pour la détente musculaire, le rééquilibrage des énergies sensitives, que l'échange et la transmission de spiritualité et d'énergie positive du masseur. Sa transmission d'un bien être profond fait du bien aussi bien à l'esprit qu'au corps. j'espère lui avoir aussi apporté un peu de réciprocité positive, même si je suis loin d'être à son niveau de spiritualité et de bien être. Cet abandon bienveillant de deux heures, loin du quotidien, fut une parenthèse exceptionnelle. Le professionnalisme et le talent du masseur est une évidence. j'espère que je pourrai apprendre dans le futur moi aussi sur ces méthodes de bien être pour pouvoir donner autant que recevoir toute cette harmonie très complete. Merci.""‌

    Wed, Aug 23, 2017

    Great experience

    Our massage experience with Martin was all that we could wish for to explore tantra. We are a couple and new to tantra. Martin helped us finding the right arrangement and in the end we booked a single massage after each other which was a good choice for us. We can highly recommend his massages to everyone who wishes to explore tantra. It was a great experience and we don't wanna miss it!

    Sun, Jun 18, 2017

    Gay Tantra Massage

    Wow! Just wow! Martin greeted me with a lovely warm smile and instantly made me feel at ease. At no time through the whole appointment did I feel rushed. We had a good 20 mins at the start chatting about the treatment and what can be expected. The room was beautifully laid out with candles and the scent and music was so uplifting. I can confirm I've never had such magical and experienced hands work on my tight muscles. 2 hours of amazing manly body contact, never feeling over worked. On leaving I was so energised and fully recharged it lasted for days. This will be my go to massage option when in Gran Canaria.
    Stefan und Reinhold

    Thu, Jun 01, 2017

    Beste Massage aller Zeiten

    Super tolle Erfahrung. Die beiden verstehen ihr Handwerk. Kann man nur weiterempfehlen, das beste was zur Entspannung und neue Erfahrungen der exstase passieren kann. Einfach nur top

    Tue, May 16, 2017

    Gay Massages

    I have a lot experiences receiving massages and this one for far one of the best I had. Joseph, the masseur was very sensitive and helpful I would recommend him or this place to anyone else. Before Gran Canaria I was in Madrid too. I guess Spain is a paradise for gay and for relaxing!

    Fri, May 05, 2017


    I had massage with Greg, it was the best ever. Definitely when I come back I book once again. Very professional my body was relaxed and I fell like newborn. Recommend definitely, thx Greg.

    Thu, Apr 20, 2017

    Tantra Massage with Greg

    A fantastic experience with a very professional organisation. The massage was with Greg, he took plenty of time to explain what was going to happen and made sure I was comfortable and at ease from the first moment to leaving over 2 hours later. There was no feeling of being rushed and the place was set out beautifully. The massage itself left me feeling great and wanting another one the next time I'm here. Thanks Greg.

    Thu, Apr 06, 2017

    Couples Massage

    We have both tried Tantra before and we have also tried couples Tantra. Besides this I am a trained Massage therapist myself, so we have some experiences going into the massage we ordered while in Playa De Ingles :-) The booking was very easy and the description on how to get to the place was also great. Greg's place is really nice and everywhere there were candles and the music set a nice background to the experience. After getting undressed we had a good talk before the actual massage. We were in the same room which is what we asked for. We would not do that again since both of us was quite aware on the other person. This made it difficult sometimes to concentrate. This is not a fault on the part of Martin and Greg. Both guys are experts in their field. For me (Torsten) I felt a bit stressed by the fact that Greg constantly asked me to breathe and also asked me to make sounds. This is off course part of the tantra-model, but for me it was a bit like chasing a goal of doing it in the right way. Tantra is a sexual experience without ejaculation - for me that is really nice, but I think for some people who are new to this, it can be quite hard not to come - and I have to say both Martin and Greg are really handsome men, so its even harder :-) Both guys used very nice oils and they really worked the entire time - they know their business. After the massage we had a nice talk about it and we felt really relaxed. The price for 2 people (300 EUR) is not extremely expensive but it is in the high-end. We would not do it again in the same way - maybe we would have couples massage by just one guy and perhaps "help" each other. But thats a different set-up than we asked for. Both of us would go to either Martin or Greg alone.

    Thu, Mar 30, 2017

    Excellent massages

    I have had massages for 3 years now with Greg who is a masseur of very high level. Recently I experienced a 4 hands Tantra massage with him and Martin. It has been a very intense experience, one of those very few you live in your life, I must say. Every time warm welcome, cleanliness, kindness and listening to your needs, putting you at ease from the moment you walk in. If you want to get a highly professional massage in PDI this is certainly the place to go.

    Fri, Feb 10, 2017

    Best experience

    So we both had massages separately and both me and my partner agreed that it was really one of the best experiences and for me it was especially great that I decided on the following day to have another massage and that was beyond great. Looking forward to the next massages to come whenever I am on the island. Thanks greg for the wonderful experience.

    Tue, Jan 31, 2017


    Partner and I booked hour massages and he tailored them to our needs wondefully. Set up in our villa on our complex. He brought e erythronium with him. Very professional, asked what we needed, how often we have massages, how strong we wanted them and more. Both were excellent, felt relaxed and stress free afterwards. Would highly recommend and we will be booking again when we are back later in the year

    Thu, Jan 26, 2017


    Not my first tantra experience but definitely the best. Had my massage with Martin, he put me at ease from the moment I walked in. The massage was not "technical" nor was it rushed, there was a special connection and you can feel he wants to give you the best tantra experience; I certainly did.

    Wed, Jan 04, 2017


    I had already had tantra massages before but this was certainly the best and most complete experience I've had. I felt as a special client all the time and enjoyed every minute of it. Everything was really professional and intense. I certainly recommend it!!

    Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.