Unknown Gangnam

Unknown Gangnam

3 therapist studio in Gangnam area of the city.

Unknown Gangnam

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bong eun sa ro 170 , Seoul, South Korea

Unknown Gangnam

Unknown Gangnam is a gay friendly good quality massage service located in the Gangnam area of the city. Near Eonju station exit no. 8 (Full address bong eun sa ro 170)

3 Masseurs work here and offer and english speaking service, you can choose from different courses and treatments with various massage techniques avaiable, a 4 hand service is also avaiable on request.

For an appointment, they are best contacted on LINE, Kakao (hmk01 ) and Wechat (hmk0101) or you can also enquire throught their website.

Weekday: 24 hours

Weekend: 24 hours

Nearest station: Eonju Station

professional massage
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Leng chan G



I was not sure about the therapist's existence because they sounded too Perfect to me until I met them in real life. They have nice, clean, brand new facilities and the therapists are well educated, nice fit big body and also their skills amazed me. It was the right choice for myself to visit them during my holiday time, and I had to make another visit to them twice. I highly recommend this spa during holiday in Seoul, Korea.

Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.